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Streamside Ln - Nantahala National Forest
Highlands, NC 28741


Stonefly is conveniently located just 1.2 miles from the Cashiers crossroads but is as secluded and private as any spot you could wish to find. A spectacular home priced at 1.2 million is newly completed and ready for occupancy. This lovely home is professionally decorated and furnished. In addition, Stonefly has magnificent home sites still available starting at $250,000.

Stonefly Blog

Cashiers Real Estate Highlands Stonefly Development Corporation Whiteside Mountain Chattooga River Whitewater Waterfalls Fly Fishing Brook Trout New Homes Nantahal National Forest Hiking White Squirrel Black Bear



Diana Nellans


Never before have so many homes sold in such a short period of time in the Cashiers/Highlands Plateau area.  Substantial surges in sales began in early spring and have only increase in the months that followed.  Why are the number of homes here in such short supply?

As the events of the coronavirus (COVID-19) unfolded,  many are leaving the densely populated areas and moving to suburbs and rural areas.  Buyers are looking for homes that are 20 to 30% larger in size, a huge contrast to the homes sizes they were seeking earlier this year.  Today's buyer wants a home with enough room to spend quality time with family. A home that provides space for cooking, entertainment, fitness or for a private office, since much of our work today is done from home 

They also want to live in less populated areas away from large cities.  Larger homesites with space around their properties and less opportunity for exposure are now a plus. Today's home buyers are looking for locations where shopping and services are easily accessible. They enjoy recreational activities that can be held out of doors, such as fishing, hiking, boating and biking.

All of these factors have caused the available homes for sale to dwindle over the past months.  Unfortunately, homes that still remain on the market are older and often require extensive and expensive renovations to make them acceptable.

Perhaps your best option today is to build a new home that meets your exact needs.  At Stonefly, we already have many home plans available that have been designed specifically for the terrain of each unique homesite in our growing community.  We invite your to come visit us and explore the options available in Stonefly today.

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